EVV Print Graphics Glossary

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There are currently 11 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
An electronic prototype of a publication that provides the layout grid and style sheet necessary to create documents. Templates are predetermined and saved formats for page layouts. They are designed to be used as a starting point for each successive page or issue. Templates can also be used as guides to the imposition of multiple-up documents. The use of templates saves time and reduces errors in layout formats.
A small low-resolution version of an image, page or graphic.
Tiling is the process of joining sheets containing partial images together to create oversized sheets. This process is used when an output unit does not have the size capabilities available to produce the image in one piece at 100% size. Printing portions of a document at 100%, aligning them with each other and taping them together is a common form of tiling.
A value of a colour, ranging from 0% to 100%.
The overall adjustment of the amount of space between letters and words is tracking. Tracking increases and decreases word density and can be used for copyfitting purposes. Adjustment of tracking is often needed with “justified” type to even out the rivers of white space within body copy. Creative tracking can also remove widows, orphans, bad word-breaks, and undesirable hyphenation. Tracking is different from kerning, in that tracking is applied to words, lines, paragraphs or pages, and kerning is applied specifically to pairs of letters to compensate for unpleasant spacing caused by the particular letter combinations.
Transfer Tape
See application tape.
Media that allows some light to shine through – for example frosted films, thin materials (not opaque), or prints with less than 100% ink saturation.
The property of a material that allows virtually all of the visible light spectrum to pass through it such as glass. Coloured materials can be described as transparent if there is no ‘white’ component in the material or ink which maintains a high level of clarity.
The time from the submission of a job to the completion of that job. This time is dependent on several factors including size and complexity of the job.
Style and design of a particular alphabet. A typeface family is the collection of all related typefaces, such as Helvetica, Helvetica Bold, Helvetica Oblique, and Helvetica Bold Oblique.
The choice and arrangement of type. Good typography requires a thorough understanding of communication, and the role of letter shapes, size, spacing and style in successfully achieving that communication.